28 April 2012

pleasure on weekends

Today was a off-day!
I'm making a present for my friend who is leaving here soon.

give mouths to objects

Until I came here, there's no idea of 'research for design' in my mind.
I used to totally believe that new design always come from one's sense or experience. However, if it's true, how little my potential is! Definitely, there's the world where I still haven't seen nor even don't know, but even then I stop looking for it and try to find ideas of design from my experience? That might be a bit waste of effort, and it meant like I was confident in myself too much.

There are lots of things to learn, not only at school but also from everything around me,  in my life and perhaps in my dreams. 

Usually, I tend to be a passive person. Obviously it has influences on my human relationships, and on my artworks, too.
To find something new, need to act anyway!

After the group review on Thursday, I knew my research was still not enough, and needed to draw more, explore more. I believe that my tiny pieces will let me know a good idea for a new design.

Objects never speak unless I observe them well.  

25 April 2012


It's not a productive day today, but I quite enjoyed drawing and collaging.
I often loose my way when I concentrated on only design and ignore others, so I'm trying to design and draw alternatively. 

24 April 2012


I've done quite lots of things today. I don't mean I've done much work, but I tried to do many kinds of work.
Making colour palettes, drawing, re-drawing and something else.
I know I always make colour palettes in the later half of the whole time, and that's why I'm always rushed to choose colours and then regret about the colour combinations afterwards. At the last project, we couldn't use any colours except white, so I didn't need to be bothered with it. 

I started analysing colours earlier than usual, so that I won't do the same failure again!!
Surprisingly, I found so many lovely colours from my 'black headphones'.

In the last week, I was excited with 'illustrator' after the technical work shop, and I've done more PC based work than hand drawings. PC is really handy when I want to repeat a lot of exactly the same patterns, so it would be nicer to work between PC-based and hand-based, in order to make better pieces by the deadline. 

There are 2 of 4 options I need to choose, 
Surface patterns - print or embroidery
Structural patterns - knit or weave

I prefer embroidery and knit, because I'm not good at 2 others, but my design began to be suitable for printing and weaving. Need to enjoy practicing them!

Making structural patterns is challenging, but interesting :)

22 April 2012


I've started working on the final project.
Firstly, I went to hillhead with friends to look for the best object. I had no idea of any charity shops without British Heart Foundation on Sauchihall Street, till my friends took me to hillhead. Actually they've got so many interesting items at charity shops. I'm grateful to friends~!

I got  headphones for just £4, and have taken headphones apart into small pieces, and then started researching them.
De-constructing headphones is quite fun!

I'm enjoying technical workshops too!


3. colours in nature

I don't know why but I suddenly remembered about an article that I read before.
It told that pollen discovered in an ancient tomb. Ancient people also offer flowers to their family, friends and others.
Environment has completely changed, but people  still appreciate the beauties of nature.

What a wonderful world :) 

21 April 2012

2. artwork

In this break, I had a small exhibition with friends.
I thought it is difficult to tell why I made the cape, although it is so easy to explain how I've made it. 

Not so many people came, but I'm satisfied with the exhibition and being motivated to the next.
I just want to make someone happy with my textiles as I like my friends' ones.

The one thing that I wonder is...my preference is sometimes quite far from the majority :(
ahhhhh, design is fun but difficult too. 

1. complex things

Those both nature&artificial stuff photos lead my eyes into their complex composition. It's quite interesting to imagine if each twig/wire were thread. Me, thinking them as lace patterns might be strange, but I cannot stop doing it!